
The Importance of Nutrition: Protein


Your body needs protein to build and maintain muscle, heal tissue, and support a healthy immune system.

If you have cancer and are receiving treatment or recovering, proper nutrition―particularly your protein intake―is key to preventing and treating low muscle mass. Watch this video from Dr. Carla Prado’s nutrition research lab at the University of Alberta to learn more.

How do you add protein to your diet? Pradolab created two additional resources about “Adding Protein to Your Diet” specifically for Compassion House Foundation and those affected by cancer to help you meet your protein needs and fuel recovery!

Adding Protein to Your Diet


Dr. Prado’s laboratory studies the importance of nutrition to cancer survivorship. They are particularly focused on developing targeted nutritional strategies to countermeasure low muscle mass in people with cancer. Follow Dr. Prado on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and visit her website at www.drcarlaprado.com.