Chandos Construction Gets the House Ready for Fall

In September, we were fortunate to have a group of volunteers from Chandos Construction visit Sorrentino’s Compassion House to do a yard cleanup and prepare us for the coming fall months.

This act of service was part of United Way’s Days of Caring – a volunteer initiative that Chandos has participated in for as long as they can remember.

When Chandos learned about Compassion House Foundation and our mission, they decided to reach out and offer their support wherever it was needed. 

 “Volunteering opens your eyes and heart – it changes the way we look at things, interact with others, and live our lives,” said Lisette Sluser, Business Development at Chandos.  “Volunteering as a team reveals the personal side of the people we often just see and interact with professionally, connecting us on a deeper level. This evolves our teams and truly enhances and refreshes our corporate culture, so as lucky as we are to give our time, we are so lucky to get this in return.”

Chandos spent the full morning tidying up all of the garden beds, setting up a new planter box they built specially for us, and helping make the outside of Sorrentino’s Compassion House look just as beautiful as the inside for our guests.

“Compassion House has truly left an imprint on my heart,” said Lisette. “We have coworkers that have provided volunteer services with you before, and they have said the same. Compassion House truly is a gift.”  

“Cancer is terrifying and isolating –  by providing a safe space and a community for these women to endure their journey together is a powerful thing. Thank you for letting us support you, in the ways we were able to, as you support your guests.”

We were honoured to have their team volunteer with us. Thank you to the incredible team at Chandos Construction for making a difference!