In this session, Dr. Ify McKerlie covers the importance of screening mammography, breast density, and the use of ultrasound in breast imaging. Former Sorrentino’s Compassion House guests, Marina Rosta and Karen Stroebel also share the stories of their cancer journeys and how breast imaging led to life-saving detection in their own diagnoses.
Event: Inspiring Speakers Series
Date: April 1, 2021
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to watch this session. It is especially relevant for: current/former guests of Sorrentino’s Compassion House; cancer patients/survivors; family, friends, and caregivers of cancer patients/survivors; and medical professionals/students.
Dr. Ify McKerlie, Radiologist
Dr. Ify McKerlie graduated medical school from the University of Saskatchewan, and completed her residency at McGill University. She has been a practicing Radiologist with a passion for breast imaging for 17 years. She looks forward to discussing the importance of screening mammography, breast density, and the use of ultrasound in breast imaging.
Marina Rosta, Former Guest of Sorrentino’s Compassion House
Marina Rosta is 56 years old, born in British Columbia, and a RCMP brat, so she moved all over the country. She has always been healthy and athletic, eaten well, never smoked, and never done drugs. She has no history of breast cancer in her family on either side. She lives in Jasper and is the General Manager of a very busy hotel.
In July 2019, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent surgery in September and began 25 rounds of radiation in December. She finished her treatment in January 2020, went right back to work, and has been cancer-free since then.
Karen Stroebel, Former Guest of Sorrentino’s Compassion House
Karen Stroebel is a lover of wild things and wild spaces. She is trained in environmental sciences and has held many positions that may be described as “a lifestyle”: forestry, park ranger, wildlife technician, environmental coordinator for a coal mine, environmental manager for a First Nations community, and now the greenhouse business (a dream job!). She felt her experience working, adapting, and living in a variety of conditions should have prepared her for a diagnosis of Stage II Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in May 2020 but, as for so many, it was a curve ball. Then, the layer of COVID-19 protocols on top of negotiating breast cancer treatment sent her on a journey unlike nothing before.