
Drop Every Fear

On July 14, 2017 I found a lump on my left breast, and just two days later I met with my family physician, scheduled a mammogram, ultrasound and bone scan, and then waited for results.
With one night to go before my life would change forever, I sat in my garage, eyes blurred over with emotion, body numb and heart heavy. I noticed a pile of dirt that had been swept up. In the pile, a rubber wrist band. Stamped on the band…Drop Every Fear. In an instant my heart slowed down, my eyes cleared, and a smile fell upon my face. Things were going to be ok.
I will never forget my tour of Sorrentino’s Compassion House. Such a horrible diagnosis yet a common area full of women with warm smiles. When it was time to check in it took me a while to get out of the vehicle. I took a minute to talk to God, to listen and trust and again to read that rubber band on my wrist, Drop Every Fear… Sorrentino’s Compassion House is a home where women inspire, encourage and love one another.
My first night was spent quietly in my room doing what I could to process why I was there. That night I struggled to sleep and got up to make myself a cup of tea. While I was in the common area a beautiful spirit approached me and asked my name. This was the first time I fell apart and really connected to the realization that I had been diagnosed with an illness that is capable of taking lives. This was the first time I could really cry without holding back.
Cancer is unpredictable. Sorrentino’s Compassion House allows women to be women. Whether that means retreating quietly to your room or being out with other women sharing or just listening. It is a community of love, compassion and understanding. It is a place where women can be vulnerable and feel safe and where there is mutual respect.
Sorrentino’s Compassion House is a home where women inspire, encourage and love one another.
It is a place to drop every fear.
When you donate to this incredible cause you impact the lives of women like me who need the support during a very difficult time. For me I will forever be grateful for the extra IV of goodness.